Thursday, December 17, 2015

Grails 3/2 and Shibboleth authentication

Tested on Grails versions 2.4.4 and 3.2.3

There was very little online documentation on how to setup a Grails application with Shibboleth , so I thought I would document the steps I took to get it working, given that it wasn't straightforward.

Previously we relied on the combination of of the springsecurity-core plugin and the springsecurity-ldap plugin to authenticate users in our various number of web applications, which worked fine when running in a stand-alone environment, and was relative easy to setup. As these web applications became more integrated, users wanted a single-sign on solution. We opted to use an authentication service provided by the Australian Access Federation which uses shibboleth as the underlying technology.

I was hopeful when I had googled 'grails shibboleth plugin' to find somebody had already done some work:
But when I realized it was last updated in eary 2012 for Grails version 1.3.x, I became less hopeful. It seemed quite dated. Nonetheless, I gave it go, and not surprisingly, it didn't work due to incompatibilities with my newer version of Grails 2.x. So I'll show you how I rolled up my own solution.

Here I will assume that you already have Shibboleth successfully working in your environment. If you would like to know more about how to set this up, you can read my other blog entry here:

 I'll focus only on what is needed to modify your springsecurity configuration to get your grails application authenticated in an existing shibboleth environment.

Wiring it together

 In the resources.groovy file we wire up the various bean classes to create a preauthAuthenticationProvider, which is used in Config.groovy as one of the authentication providers as shown below:

Grails 2.x resources.groovy
    // Shibboleth integration
    userDetailsServiceWrapper( {
        userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService')
    preauthAuthenticationProvider( {
        preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService = ref('userDetailsServiceWrapper')
    shibAuthFilter( {
        principalRequestHeader = 'mail' //this is the shib header that contains the user ID
        checkForPrincipalChanges = true
        invalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange = true
        continueFilterChainOnUnsuccessfulAuthentication = false
        authenticationManager = ref('authenticationManager')
        userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService')
        enable = true

For Grails 3.x, there was a slight adjustment to be made in the resources.groovy as shown below:

    // Shibboleth integration
    userDetailsServiceWrapper( {
        userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService')
    preauthAuthenticationProvider( {
        preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService = ref('userDetailsServiceWrapper')
    shibAuthFilter( {
        principalRequestHeader = 'mail' //this is the shib header that contains the user ID
        checkForPrincipalChanges = true
        invalidateSessionOnPrincipalChange = true
        continueFilterChainOnUnsuccessfulAuthentication = false
        authenticationManager = ref('authenticationManager')
        userDetailsService = ref('userDetailsService')
        exceptionIfHeaderMissing = false
        checkForPrincipalChanges = false
        enable = true

The fields for 'exceptionIfHeaderMissing' and 'checkForPrincipalChanges' must be set to false for Grails 3.x projects.

environments {
    development {
        grails.plugin.springsecurity.providerNames = ['ldapAuthProvider','rememberMeAuthenticationProvider']
    test {
        grails.plugin.springsecurity.providerNames = ['ldapAuthProvider','rememberMeAuthenticationProvider']
    production {
        grails.plugin.springsecurity.providerNames = ['preauthAuthenticationProvider','rememberMeAuthenticationProvider']

As you can see, for my production environment, which is shibboleth protected, I use the preauthAuthenticationProvider. However, for my development environment (which is not shibboleth protected), I continue to use the ldapAuthProvider which is sufficient for development purposes.

More information about the PreAuthenticatedAuthentcationProvider can be found here:

The PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider essentially tells springsecurity that the authentication is handled external to the web application. The trouble is that springsecurity doesn't know how to map the request headers populated by shibboleth to your User domain class. So we create a new class for this purpose.


Next we need to create a class that will be responsible for handling the request headers passed in by shibboleth. Since each instance of shibboleth may use different attribute mappings and names, we can customize our own solution that specifically fits our environment using this filter. Furthermore, this filter will automatically create the user accounts if one doesn't already exist in our local database.


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

import org.apache.log4j.Logger

import apf.taskrequest.User

 * Handles for Shibboleth request headers to create Authorization ids.
 * Map the request headers provided by shibboleth to properties of the User domain class
 * Automatically create user accounts if none already exists.
 * Use the email address of the user as the username
 * @author Philip Wu
public class ShibbolethRequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter extends RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter {
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ShibbolethRequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter.class)

    UserDetailsService userDetailsService
     * Required. Used to check if users exist.
     * @param userDetailsManager
    boolean enable = true;
     * Since the superclass definition for princiaplRequestHeader is private, we store the value
     * in 2 places by overriding the setPrincipalRequestHeader() method, so that we can access this value
    String accessiblePrincipalRequestHeader
     * Override to store an accessible version of the principalRequestHeader
    public void setPrincipalRequestHeader(String principalRequestHeader) {
        this.accessiblePrincipalRequestHeader = principalRequestHeader
     * This is called when a request is made, the returned object identifies the
     * user and will either be Null or a String. This method will throw an exception if
     * exceptionIfHeaderMissing is set to true (default) and the required header is missing.
     * @param request
    protected Object getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal(HttpServletRequest request) {
        if (!enable) return null;

        // Extract username
        // ShibUseHeaders On        
        String username = (String)(super.getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal(request));        
        // Or if AJP is used instead of ShibUseHeaders, then pull from attributes instead of headers
        if (! username) {
            username = request.getAttribute(accessiblePrincipalRequestHeader)
        // Extract displayName
        String displayName = request.getHeader("displayName")
        if (! displayName) {
            displayName = request.getAttribute("displayName")

        logger.debug("authenticatedPrincipal: "+username)
        if (username ) {
            try {
                UserDetails userDetails = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(username, false)
            } catch (UsernameNotFoundException ex) {
      "User does not exist. Creating new user")
                User.withTransaction {
                    User u = new User();
                    u.username = username
           = username
                    u.enabled = true
                    u.displayName = displayName
                    boolean saved =
          "New user created: "+saved)
                    if (! saved) {
                        logger.error("Errors saving user: "+u.errors)
        return username;

Here we use the email address of the user as the username provided by shibboleth in the request headers as 'mail'. Looking back the resources.groovy you can see i've set the following:

principalRequestHeader = 'mail'

One workaround I had to deal with was getting access to the principalRequestHeader of the superclass which was marked as 'private'. In order to use this field, I had to create a duplicate field storing the same value as 'accessiblePrincipcalRequestHeader' and override the setPrincipalRequestHeader() method.
In your shibboleth configuration you may have either "ShibUseHeaders On" or use AJP to pass in your shibboleth attributes. It is recommended to avoid using ShibUseHeaders as it is a potential security issue and that AJP should be used instead. Nonetheless, the above code handles both scenarios.

For Grails 3.x, the 'email' and 'displayName' fields were not automatically included in the User domain class, so I had to manually recreate these fields so that the ShibbolethRequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter did not crash

Reference: Avoid ShibUseHeaders

Register the AuthenticationFilter in Bootstrap.groovy

Now that we've created our ShibbolethRequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter, we need to register it with SpringSecurity by modifying our Bootstrap.groovy as follows:

    def init = { servletContext ->
        // Uncomment when ready to be deployed
        // Shibboleth configuration
        environments {
            development {
            test {
            production {
                SpringSecurityUtils.clientRegisterFilter('shibAuthFilter', SecurityFilterPosition.PRE_AUTH_FILTER.order + 10)
            shibboleth {
                SpringSecurityUtils.clientRegisterFilter('shibAuthFilter', SecurityFilterPosition.PRE_AUTH_FILTER.order + 10)

 And that's it, you're ready to roll.
If you found this helpful, please 'like' this article.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

pg_ctl reload pg_hba.conf

You've made a change to your pg_hba.conf and you'd like for those changes to take affect without having to restart postgres.

If you're using RHEL, then the following commands may help:

su postgres
cd /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin
./pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data reload

Monday, November 2, 2015

MalformedByteSequenceException: Invalid byte 2 of 4-byte UTF-8 sequence

This error suggests that a generated file may have multiple encodings. It turns out the file was generated with aggregated content from various sources, each of which were using different encodings. Ideally, it would be better if way the file was generated could be corrected and re-encoded, but the file is provided by a third-party, so we're not a position to make such changes.

So I'll demonstrate how to correct these errors by using some linux commands

Identifying the error

To identify the offending character, we can use the iconv command as follows:

[root@webserver failed]# iconv -f utf-8 bad_file.xml  -o /dev/null
iconv: illegal input sequence at position 25691275

Here we can see that the offending characters is at position 25691275

To view the character at this position use the following command:

head -c 25691310 bad_file.xml

Removing the bad characters

If you can get away with removing the bad characters without having to replace them, then you can use this command:

iconv -f utf8 -t utf8 -c bad_file.xml > fixed.xml

If you want to fix a batch of files then you can use this command:

 find . -type f -exec bash -c 'iconv -f utf8 -t utf8 -c "{}" > ../fixed/"{}"' \;


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Automated WAR file redeployment in tomcat using a BASH script with the Linux 'at' command

Wouldn't it be nice to schedule a redeployment of your updated web-app during off-peak hours AUTOMATICALLY?

I tried searching for some existing scripts or blogs on how others might have done this, but surprisingly nothing came up. So I'm sharing how I did this from scratch and I'm hoping others will find this useful.

The Bash script

The bash script is responsible for shutting down tomcat, undeploying your webapp, deploying your new web-app and starting up tomcat. The script takes in two arguments.

  • The name of the web-app without the '.war' extension
  • The location of the new version of the web-app
# Script to shutdown tomcat and redeploy webapp

#Check the number of arguments
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]
        echo "Missing arguments: webapp name and WAR file location"
        exit 1

if [ -z "$1" ]
        echo "First argument cannot be empty"
        exit 1

if [ -z "$2" ]
        echo "Second argument cannot be empty"
        exit 1

echo "Tomcat home: $tomcatHome"

# Get the process ID of tomcat
pid=$(ps h -C java -o "%p:%a" | grep catalina | cut -d: -f1)
if [ "$pid" > 0 ]
        echo "Shutting down tomcat PID $pid"

        # Shutdown tomcat
        kill -9 $pid

        # Wait until tomcat is shutdown
        while kill -0 $pid > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done


# remove the old webapp
echo "Removing webapp $1"
mv $tomcatHome/webapps/$1.war $tomcatHome
rm -rf $tomcatHome/webapps/$1

# Copy the new WAR file to the webapps folder
cp $2 $tomcatHome/webapps/$1.war

# Change the permissions
chown tomcat:tomcat $tomcatHome/webapps/$1.war

# Start up tomcat
/etc/init.d/tomcat start

# Finished
echo "redeployed successfully"

An example of how to run the script:
./ TaskRequest /home/philip/TaskRequest.war

If you plan on reusing my script, one of the things you'll most likely want to change is the 'tomcatHome' variable and the way I move copies of the old WAR file out of the web-apps folder.

Make sure that you have permissions to execute the bash script:

chmod a+x


 Now that we have our script to execute the redeployment and restart of tomcat, we'll need to schedule a one-time job using linux's 'at' command. As an example, if you want to schedule your redeployment to occur at 9pm tonight, you could use the following command:

at 21:00

This will start a command prompt, where you can now specify what commands or scripts to be executed:

at> /root/ TaskRequest /home/philip/TaskRequest.war
CRTL-D will end the prompt

And that's pretty much it. If you want to view the list scheduled jobs you can use the 'atq' command:

[root@apntest1 webapps]# atq
2       2015-10-28 09:30 a root

To view the contents of the scheduled job use 'at -c id ', for example:

[root@apntest1 webapps]# at -c 2
# atrun uid=0 gid=0
# mail   philip 0
umask 22
HOSTNAME=apntest1; export HOSTNAME
SHELL=/bin/bash; export SHELL
OLDPWD=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.55; export OLDPWD
USER=root; export USER
LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=00\;34:ln=00\;36:pi=40\;33:so=00\;35:bd=40\;33\;01:cd=40\;33\;01:or=01\;05\;37\;41:mi=01\;05\;37\;41:ex=00\;32:\*.cmd=00\;32:\*.exe=00\;32:\*.com=00\;32:\*.btm=00\;32:\*.bat=00\;32:\*.sh=00\;32:\*.csh=00\;32:\*.tar=00\;31:\*.tgz=00\;31:\*.arj=00\;31:\*.taz=00\;31:\*.lzh=00\;31:\*.zip=00\;31:\*.z=00\;31:\*.Z=00\;31:\*.gz=00\;31:\*.bz2=00\;31:\*.bz=00\;31:\*.tz=00\;31:\*.rpm=00\;31:\*.cpio=00\;31:\*.jpg=00\;35:\*.gif=00\;35:\*.bmp=00\;35:\*.xbm=00\;35:\*.xpm=00\;35:\*.png=00\;35:\*.tif=00\;35:; export LS_COLORS
SUDO_USER=philip; export SUDO_USER
SUDO_UID=501; export SUDO_UID
PATH=/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/home/philip/bin; export PATH
MAIL=/var/spool/mail/philip; export MAIL
PWD=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.55/webapps; export PWD
LANG=en_AU; export LANG
SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass; export SSH_ASKPASS
SHLVL=1; export SHLVL
HOME=/root; export HOME
LOGNAME=root; export LOGNAME
CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH
LESSOPEN=\|/usr/bin/\ %s; export LESSOPEN
SUDO_GID=501; export SUDO_GID
cd /usr/local/apache\-tomcat\-7\.0\.55/webapps || {
         echo 'Execution directory inaccessible' >&2
         exit 1
${SHELL:-/bin/sh} << `(dd if=/dev/urandom count=200 bs=1 2>/dev/null|LC_ALL=C tr -d -c '[:alnum:]')`

/root/ TaskRequest /home/philip/TaskRequest.war

Confirmation email

 Let's take it one step further. If we want to receive email notifications of the automated deployment, we can pipe the output of the script into the mail command as follows:

at 21:00
at> /root/ TaskRequest /home/philip/TaskRequest.war | mail -s "Webapp deployment"

One liner

If you want to execute the command all in one line without a command prompt, here's an example

echo "/root/ TaskRequest /home/philip/TaskRequest.war | mail -s \"Task request redeployed\"" | at 19:45

Configuring RHEL to send emails

To install use the following
yum install postfix

If the mail command doesn't work then try installing mailx as well:

# mail
bash: mail: command not found
# yum install mailx

If you're not receiving emails, it's probably because you haven't configured it yet. If you're like me using Red Hat Linux, then here are some basic instructions on how I set it up. Edit the file /etc/postfix/ and set the parameter called relayhost to your smtp server:


Then restart postfix: /etc/init.d/postfix restart
Try testing by sending a test email:

echo "please work" | mail -s "Test email"

If you didn't receive an email you can debug it by adding the -v flag for verbose output as follows

echo "please work" | mail -v -s "Test email"
Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to root. 

You will get the following response: Mail Delivery Status Report will be mailed to root, here's how to view the message sent to root by using the 'mail' command:

[root@apn-lsrv01 ~]# mail
Heirloom Mail version 12.4 7/29/08.  Type ? for help.
"/var/spool/mail/root": 13 messages 2 new 11 unread
   10 Mail Delivery System  Thu Oct 29 08:09  68/2348  "Mail Delivery Status Report"
   11 Mail Delivery System  Thu Oct 29 08:13  66/2276  "Mail Delivery Status Report"
>N 12 Mail Delivery System  Thu Oct 29 08:28  65/2239  "Mail Delivery Status Report"
 N 13 Mail Delivery System  Thu Oct 29 08:28  65/2239  "Mail Delivery Status Report"

A command prompt will appear asking you which message to open. Enter the ID of the message in this case '13' to see what went wrong with your email.

& 13
Message 13:
From MAILER-DAEMON  Thu Oct 29 08:09:19 2015
Return-Path: <>
X-Original-To: root@blah
Delivered-To: root@blah
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 08:09:19 +1100 (AEDT)
From: MAILER-DAEMON@blah (Mail Delivery System)
Subject: Mail Delivery Status Report
To: root@blah
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
Status: R

Part 1:
Content-Description: Notification
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

This is the mail system at host blah.

Enclosed is the mail delivery report that you requested.

                   The mail system

<someones@email>: delivery temporarily suspended: Host or domain name not
    found. Name service error for name=bad.smtp.server type=AAAA: Host not

In this message I realized, that the relayhost I configured earlier was incorrect. Once I obtained the correct IP address, sending emails started to work.

Use CTRL-D to end the prompt.

Happy to get some feedback on how you might have improved your bash script! Cheers!


Getting the tomcat process PID
How to use the 'at' command
Send emails from linux

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Adding more images to the Nexus theme for Drupal

By default the Nexus theme only allows 3 images in the front page slider. For many of us this is not enough, so I outline the steps I took to add additional images by modifying some of the underlying code.

Add a new image

Once you've unpacked the theme, go to the /images folder and add your image and change the name to 'slide-image-4.jpg'

Modify  /templates/page.tpl.php

Edit the template found in /templates/page.tpl.php as follows and add the lines highlighted in red:

   $slide1_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide1_head','nexus'));  $slide1_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide1_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide1_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide1_url','nexus'));  
   $slide2_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide2_head','nexus'));  $slide2_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide2_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide2_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide2_url','nexus'));  
   $slide3_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide3_head','nexus'));  $slide3_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide3_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide3_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide3_url','nexus'));  
   $slide4_head = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide4_head','nexus'));  $slide4_desc = check_markup(theme_get_setting('slide4_desc','nexus'), 'full_html'); $slide4_url = check_plain(theme_get_setting('slide4_url','nexus'));  
  <div id="slidebox" class="flexslider">  
   <ul class="slides">  
     <img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-1.jpg'; ?>"/>  
     <?php if($slide1_head || $slide1_desc) : ?>  
      <div class="flex-caption">  
       <h2><?php print $slide1_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide1_desc; ?>  
       <a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide1_url); ?>"> <?php print t('READ MORE'); ?> </a>  
     <?php endif; ?>  
     <img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-2.jpg'; ?>"/>  
     <?php if($slide2_head || $slide2_desc) : ?>  
      <div class="flex-caption">  
       <h2><?php print $slide2_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide2_desc; ?>  
       <a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide2_url); ?>"> <?php print t('READ MORE'); ?> </a>  
     <?php endif; ?>  
     <img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-3.jpg'; ?>"/>  
     <?php if($slide3_head || $slide3_desc) : ?>  
      <div class="flex-caption">  
       <h2><?php print $slide3_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide3_desc; ?>  
       <a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide3_url); ?>"> <?php print t('READ MORE'); ?> </a>  
     <?php endif; ?>  
     <img src="<?php print base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'nexus') . '/images/slide-image-4.jpg'; ?>"/>  
     <?php if($slide4_head || $slide4_desc) : ?>  
      <div class="flex-caption">  
       <h2><?php print $slide4_head; ?></h2><?php print $slide4_desc; ?>  
       <a class="frmore" href="<?php print url($slide4_url); ?>"> <?php print t('READ MORE'); ?> </a>  
     <?php endif; ?>  

Modify theme-settings.php

To configure the title, description and URL of the image through the user interface, add the following lines of code to the file /theme-settings.php

  $form['nexus_settings']['slideshow']['slide4'] = array(  
   '#type' => 'fieldset',  
   '#title' => t('Slide 4'),  
   '#collapsible' => TRUE,  
   '#collapsed' => TRUE,  
  $form['nexus_settings']['slideshow']['slide4']['slide4_head'] = array(  
   '#type' => 'textfield',  
   '#title' => t('Slide Headline'),  
   '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('slide4_head','nexus'),  
  $form['nexus_settings']['slideshow']['slide4']['slide4_desc'] = array(  
   '#type' => 'textarea',  
   '#title' => t('Slide Description'),  
   '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('slide4_desc','nexus'),  
  $form['nexus_settings']['slideshow']['slide4']['slide4_url'] = array(  
   '#type' => 'textfield',  
   '#title' => t('Slide URL'),  
   '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('slide4_url','nexus'),  

Then you should see the following when configuring the 'appearance':


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Using a basic groovy library packaged as a JAR, for sharing domain class definitions across many projects

Let's say I have multiple web applications all developed in Grails that needed access to a shared database as shown in the diagram below.

What would be the best way to define domain classes without duplicating code?

Prior to Grails 3.x, I typically created Grails Plugins to define domain classes shared across multiple web applications. All you had to do was define a plugin dependency in your BuildConfig.groovy configuration file.

 plugins {  
           runtime "my-plugin:my-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT"  

This worked reasonably well, that is, until we decided to add a new web application using Grails 3.x to the mix of existing web applications as shown in the diagram below:

 Grails 3.x was a massive change, now using Gradle as opposed to Maven to construct the builds. This meant that the file structure and layout changed dramatically due to differences in convention. What this also meant, was that the previously defined plugins in Grails 2.x no longer worked in Grails 3.x projects.
We were not in a position to upgrade all of our applications to 3.x because the example I've provided is simplified. We actually have many more web applications accessing the same shared database and would require extensive regression testing.

The other alternative, would be to maintain 2 versions of the plugin, one in grails 2.x and the other in grails 3.x. For obvious reasons, this was not ideal.

What I wanted was a single library (JAR file) with my domain class definitions that could be used by any web application regardless of the underlying grails version.

I've manged to find a way and present my findings here with you.

No more plugins, just a groovy library

Rather than using a plugin, I've created a library containing all  my domain class definitions using a combination of

  • Gradle - as the build tool
  • Groovy - to define my domain classes
  • JPA - to define domain class relational mappings - Java Persistence API

 Gradle installation

  • Download Gradle from the following webiste: Download Gradle
  • Set the bin folder to be in your environment variable PATH. This will allow you to run the gradle from the command-line
  • To test run the following from the command-line, 'gradle -v'

Define build.gradle in your library

 // Apply plugin must come first, the order is very important!  
 apply plugin: 'groovy'  
 apply plugin: 'java'  
 apply plugin: 'eclipse'  
 apply plugin: 'maven'  
 group = 'my-plugin'  
 version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'  
 repositories {  
 dependencies {  
      compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.10'  
      compile 'org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-2.1-api:1.0.0.Final'  

Define your domain classes using JPA

 package anu.individual  
 import java.util.Collection;  
 import java.util.List;  
 import java.util.Set;  
 import javax.persistence.ElementCollection  
 import javax.persistence.Entity  
 import javax.persistence.EnumType  
 import javax.persistence.Enumerated  
 import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue  
 import javax.persistence.Id  
 import javax.persistence.JoinColumn  
 import javax.persistence.JoinTable  
 import javax.persistence.ManyToOne  
 import javax.persistence.OneToMany  
  * Individual domain class, defined using JPA   
  * @author Philip  
 // Using JPA annotations  
 class Individual {  
      Long id  
      String externalId  
      String externalIdUpperCase // variable not used  
      Boolean deleted= false  
      Individual mother  
      Individual father  
      Long mustererBarcode  
      Set<String> phenotypes // snowmed CT IDs  
      Species species  
      Boolean affected  
      Boolean proband  
      Gender gender  
           joinColumns= @JoinColumn(name="individual_id", referencedColumnName="id"),  
           inverseJoinColumns= @JoinColumn(name="team_id", referencedColumnName="id")   
      Set<Team> teams  

Package the library

To package the library using gradle, you can use the 'gradle install' from the command-line. This will automatically install the library in your local maven repository (.m2 folder) which can be used by your Grails application as a depedency.

Add the dependency to your Grails 3 application

If you're using Grails 3, then the way to configure your dependencies is in the build.gradle file. An example is shown below with the library highlighted in red:

 buildscript {  
   ext {  
     grailsVersion = project.grailsVersion  
   repositories {  
     maven { url "" }  
   dependencies {  
     classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:$grailsVersion"  
     classpath 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:asset-pipeline-gradle:2.1.1'  
 plugins {  
   id "io.spring.dependency-management" version "0.5.2.RELEASE"  
 version "0.1"  
 group "individual"  
 apply plugin: "spring-boot"  
 apply plugin: "war"  
 apply plugin: "asset-pipeline"  
 apply plugin: 'eclipse'  
 apply plugin: 'idea'  
 apply plugin: "org.grails.grails-web"  
 apply plugin: "org.grails.grails-gsp"  
 ext {  
   grailsVersion = project.grailsVersion  
   gradleWrapperVersion = project.gradleWrapperVersion  
 assets {  
   minifyJs = true  
   minifyCss = true  
 repositories {  
   maven { url "" }  
 dependencyManagement {  
   imports {  
     mavenBom "org.grails:grails-bom:$grailsVersion"  
   applyMavenExclusions false  
 dependencies {  
   compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-logging"  
   compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator"  
   compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure"  
   compile "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat"  
   compile "org.grails:grails-dependencies"  
   compile "org.grails:grails-web-boot"  
   compile "org.grails.plugins:hibernate"  
   compile "org.grails.plugins:cache"  
   compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache"  
   compile "org.grails.plugins:scaffolding"  
   runtime "org.grails.plugins:asset-pipeline"  
   testCompile "org.grails:grails-plugin-testing"  
   testCompile "org.grails.plugins:geb"  
   // Note: It is recommended to update to a more robust driver (Chrome, Firefox etc.)  
   testRuntime 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-htmlunit-driver:2.44.0'  
   console "org.grails:grails-console"  
      // custom dependencies  
      compile 'anu.individual:individual-lib:1.0-SNAPSHOT'  
      runtime 'postgresql:postgresql:9.1-901.jdbc4'  
 task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {  
   gradleVersion = gradleWrapperVersion  

Tell Grails which domain classes should apply GORM

In the Grails app, create a file called hibernate.cfg.xml and place it in the /conf folder
 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM  
     <mapping package="anu.individual" />  
     <mapping class="anu.individual.Individual" />  
     <mapping class="anu.individual.Team" />  

The file should list all the domain classes defined in the library

If you want to provide a different datasource for the domain classes defined in your external library, you can prefix the datasource name to the hibernate.cfg.xml file. Quote from the grails website says the following:

"To specify that an annotated class uses a non-default datasource, create a hibernate.cfg.xml file for that datasource with the file name prefixed with the datasource name."
For example, if I have a datasource named ds1, then i would change the name of the hibernate config file to ds1_hibernate.cfg.xml

Run the grails application

To test if your configuration is working correctly, run the application using 'grails run-app' command and your tables should automatically be generated.

Good luck!
