Sunday, March 31, 2019

Intellij Dart Analysis Server Bad State: Too many elements

This error was also causing an issue "cannot find declaration to go to"
After doing a flutter upgrade, I had to do the following:

  1. Close IntelliJ
  2. delete the project's .idea folder and any *.iml files
  3. Reopen the project in intellij
If that doesn't work try File -> Invalidate caches / restart and repeat the steps above

Sunday, March 3, 2019

PlatformException(sign_in_failed, 8: null)

Using the flutter framework for android development, I received the following error during google signin:

PlatformException(sign_in_failed, 8: null)

While it wasn't obvious from the error message what the problem was, it turns out there was no network connection available. So if you get this error, check that you have access to the internet!!