Add the following lines to build.gradle to add the dependency for SQLite JDBC:
compile 'org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.15.1'
You can find other versions of the JDBC library from the maven repo here:
SQLite Dialect
Clone and build the Github project to add the supporting classes for the SQLite Dialect from here:
Using maven to build, run the following command:
mvn -DskipTests install
Then take the resulting JAR file, sqlite-dialect-0.1.0.jar, under the /target folder and copy it to the lib folder in your Grails project.
In Grails 3.x, the lib folder no longer exists by default. Create a new folder in the root of your project
Copy the JAR file to the lib folder just created. For example:
Finally add the dependency of the JAR file in the build.gradle file:
In Grails 3.x, the lib folder no longer exists by default. Create a new folder in the root of your project
mkdir $PROJECT_HOME/lib
Copy the JAR file to the lib folder just created. For example:
cp sqlite-dialect-0.1.0.jar /home/philip/agha/VariantStorage/lib
Finally add the dependency of the JAR file in the build.gradle file:
compile files('lib/sqlite-dialect-0.1.0.jar')
Tying it together
Datasources are configured in application.yml:
dbCreate: "update"
url: "jdbc:sqlite:/home/philip/ga4gh-server-env/registry.db"
logSql: "true"
dialect: "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLiteDialect"
driverClassName: "org.sqlite.JDBC"
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